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Wednesday, March 3, 2010

My Journey begins again- Weigh in and progress pics

Ok, so here is a quick quiz to begin Monday morning: what is your instructor's bodyfat?

A) 1%
B) 0%, He is ripped!
C) 8.52%

Ok, so for those that guessed C, you are correct (now, hit the treadmill and give me 50 burpees)

In all seriousness though, with exactly six days to go until I officially begin the dietary portion of getting back on the Modelfit bandwagon, my first order of business is figuring out exactly where I am in terms of bodyweight and composition.

While weight fluctuates up to 10lbs throughout the day, the skinfold testing we utilize in our program is the greatest indicator of progress in the program. This measurement--along with inches lost-- has far more to do with how you actually look versus numbers on a scale.

With that said, this number can be difficult to determine for those with muscle in places fat is supposed to accumulate (IE guys) Though we usually measure the tricep, illiac crest (side of hip) and stomach in women, my arms are far too developed for this to work properly (I am just saying)

With this in mind, my skinfold numbers look as such:

Chest: 11
Stomach: 7
Thigh: 11

As you can see, I still have fat, it just shows up in other places. This is an important lesson when skinfold numbers look ridiculously low. In any case, as we head in to phase #3 I am gearing up for my first metabolic workout in some time tonight (more on that tomorrow).

Wish me luck and my numbers are below:

Bodyfat: 8.52%
Date: 3/2/10

1 comment:

  1. good luck chris! i've lost ( according to my scale at home) 6 pounds since early feb ( weighed in the morning). I'm finally getting focused on my diet and as soon as I get a nice birthday check, I'll be heading back your way!
