Dear Crew,
So one thing I have been thinking a lot about is how I can best invest what I've learned as a trainer in my amazing staff.
will say that the best decision I ever made was to accumulate 60
minutes of study per day on a fitness topic which affects my clients.
They say it takes around 10,000 hours of practice/study to become an
expert and the cool thing about this concept it helps us to accumulate
this figure. If you study in this fashion during the week, this means
you get 5 hours of continuing ed per week and several hundreds of hours
per year.
I have done this for around four
years now and I consider this my secret weapon in terms of understanding
what I do. With this in mind, I plan to begin sharing daily tidbits to
study to help
guide you to purposeful practice.
Here are two videos for today:
1. Movement Hierarchy-
This video explains how we take a beginner who has never performed
basic movements (squat/push up/etc) to complex exercises such as
snatches, jumping, etc in a safe and effective manner. This is a
FANTASTIC and simple progression and something we can use to quickly
alter exercises to suit the client.
2. Load Hierarchy-
Playing off the last post, this explains an order in which we make
exercises harder for the client. I always used to consider weight/load
to be the only factor in progressing someone, but what are some ways we
can get someone with shoulder/knee/hip
issues stronger without overwhelming them with heavy lifting? Check out
this video to find out.
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