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Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Safe guarding against cravings

Well folks, three days in and my biggest challenge so far have definitely been the workouts.

While fasting on Monday was difficult, one positive thing that I noticed is that I slept like a baby that evening. In my case, I believe one unintended benefit of the fast is cleansing my body of the huge digestive burden of breaking down my diet of peppers, pounds of veggies and no shortage of protein (see my dietary log)

Could fasting be the cure to my insomnia? Only time will tell, but regardless of my results in the next few weeks I will likely incorporate a liquid fasting day to give me body a break in the future.

As for the dieting itself, my log tells me I consumed 3000 calories yesterday (weight training day) and I am currently on course to consume around 1900 this evening.

With my target zone at about 2500 per day, this is a good example of portioning my calories to allow for a re-feed on the day after my fast to quell any possible cravings and a taper as I get closer to my next fasting day.

In my case, it will look something like this:

Monday: 0 calories
Tuesday: 3000 calories
Wed: 1900 calories
Thursday: 2500 cals
Friday: 0 cals
Sat: 3000 Cals
Sunday: 1900 cals

As you can see from the above, this wave like eating pattern, at least in my mind keeps my calories consistent while safe guarding against a drop in hormone levels-- by overfeeding after fasting.

On the workout front, tonight I will experience Tabata Terror and for those who have already endured this torture, I will take a few pics doing burpees for the next blog >=)

Until then, here is my dietary log from Day #1-2:

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